Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Justin And Miley Flirting!!

As TMZ reports, it seems like Justin and Miley were spotted partying together at an L.A hotspot on Sunday, June 9th and they were doing some so called "hardcore" flirting. A source told TMX that both of them left the place at around 2 am. Reports have it that Miley arrived at the venue first  and then Justin came around 1:50 am. They were spotted laughing and flirting for about 15 minutes and they both left at the same time, at 2 am and nobody knows where they went after that. But Justin was spotted the day before, on Saturday 8th leaving Miley´s house in his leopard printed Audi.

I honestly dont think anything is going down between the two and it shouldn´t be of anyones´s business where they went afterwards. I think that is where most people miss the point, they focus too much on his personal life, I like it sometimes when things are misterious and in suspense, they are both adults and they can do whatever they please. The papparazzi can´t be following him around everywhere and digging in his private life just to scoop some dirt and make money out of it because that would be quite rude and inconsiderate, the media tries to make a big deal out of everything Justin or any other celebrity does.

Just because they have been friends for a long time doesn´t mean that there is something going on between them, they just enjoy each other´s company as friends, I see no big deal with that so people should stop this nonsense and Beliebers, please let´s direct our energy in supporting Justin´s music and helping him win the awards we have been nominated for. Rumors will always be there and they pass after a while so let´s not encourage it.

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