Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Howie Doruogh from backstreet boys has soem advice to give to Justin and the main point is that he keeps his shirt on and stop going around shirtless. He told MailOnline that he believes Justin will regret his actions in the future.

"I think we would try to give him advice. Whether he would take it or not is a completely different thing because everyone has to take their own path. I would probably try to tell him to take a couple of pictures with his shirt on so that in twenty years from now, he's not going to be upset that had all those pictures without his shirt on. Oh and don't spit on your next door neighbour if you don't have to.
There are certain things you would try to tell him but you know, I haven't walked in his shoes so it's very hard to give someone advice. Some of the new groups that are out there, the Justin Biebers that are out there, you look at them and you feel for them when they make their mistakes. 

But at the end of the day we all have to make them. It's very hard for any of us to go in there and tell somebody don't do this, don't do that. 
I think everyone has to go through these experiences, some of those experiences makes them the person they are going to be."

Pretty good advice I can say but as he said, you could advice Justin but you cant´t force him to anything. We all make mistakes that we regret in the future but that is all in the learning process. Justin needs to make his own mistakes to be able to learn if he doesn´t want to take the advice he is given.
If he feels comforatble with his body, why shouldn´t he show it off? He likes it and we, his Beliebers and fans like it too. What´s the big deal? I just don´t get it. Like seriously, there is too much heat and pressure on him and I think that is why he is doing all this crazy things. if you just give him some space to breath and clear his mind, then he would probably not behave the way he is.

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